Optimising Annual Allowances

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Losing Track Of Time

Optimising Annual Allowances

It’s been a strange year all round. With events cancelled and successive waves of lockdowns, we could be forgiven for losing track of time; relying only on the changing seasons as a guide. Nevertheless there are some things we shouldn’t lose sight of, particularly if we want to make the most of our investments.  

At the time of writing the end of the tax year is just seven weeks away. That may seem a long time; but for those who are considering making the most of their annual ISA allowance the time can pass all too swiftly. The same is true for those thinking about reviewing and optimising payments made into their pensions.  You might think you have plenty of time but you need to factor in the time required to undertake a review of your current financial situation and future needs before making a recommendation. Add in any changes necessitated by the forthcoming Budget on 3rd March and those seven weeks could be gone before you know it. 

If you are looking for advice on investments, or if your situation has changed and you may therefore need to review your existing pensions or investments, contact Beckworth by using one of the links on our website. 

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